New Musings

I’ve been neglecting my blog.

No matter how many reminders I set. It hasn’t made a difference.

No matter how many notifications ping on my phone telling me it’s time to write a blog post. It hasn’t helped.

Then, I decided to try a life coach. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made. She helped me identify what I wanted to work on so I could set goals and intentions for myself. It was after one such coaching session that I decided to set a goal to write every day. Not that I haven’t done this before. Believe me! I’ve set many goals to write regularly, but for some reason, nothing has worked in the past.

Since setting my intention and having an accountability partner of sorts (my life coach), I have been writing every day, and not just in my journal, though that’s valuable, too. Mostly, I’ve been working on a variety of writing projects every day for 20 – 30 minutes…after I shower and before I start my evening routines at home.

And it’s working!

I started a week ago and, except for one day on the weekend, I’ve been writing every day and it feels good.

Some days, I wonder what would happen if I skipped a day. Because when I get home from school, I am tired. And, now that I’ve cemented an exercise habit, I am working on two big habits at the same time.

But I won’t skip a day if I can help it and, most of the time, I can. It’s my commitment to myself. I take that seriously.

Both habits are important to me. What has helped is that I started one habit and worked on that for a few weeks before starting the second one.

So, one day out of the week, I will work on a blog post and publish it as soon as possible.

I have a writing project that has been percolating for a year or more now and I’ve started to work on that. It feels satisfying to be making progress!

I also want to work on some fiction writing, which is scary for me. But someone once told me that we are wired to do hard things and it turns out that person was right.

So, if you’re following me, I hope you’ll read these sometimes random, sometimes muddy, thoughts about teaching, learning, writing and reading.

I know how busy we all are. I sometimes read a blog post and really want to engage in a conversation, but then I hold back. I get it. I once challenged myself to respond to every blog post I read, even if it was a short comment. It worked for a while. It felt satisfying and joyful to be part of a conversation. Maybe I need to go back to doing that…

So, what are you musing about right now?

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