
Today is Tuesday and typically I would be writing a blog post for the #SOL Tuesday challenge on the Two Writing Teachers blog site. But, over the last few weeks, probably more than that, I haven’t been able to write much of anything…or even read much of anything, for that matter. I have had a partial block as far as reading and writing goes. I consider myself an avid reader and an emerging writer. Actually, the bit about being an emerging writer is so new to me that I even hesitate to say this out loud. So, writing it down is that much easier. I even notice that when I reread this post, I whisper that phrase – emerging writer. Do you hear it? Soft as a the breeze.

So, as part of my trifecta of practices – actually, it’s more like a double trifecta since it’s more like six daily practices that I’m trying to build into solid habits instead of three, which would be enough of a challenge, but you know me, or maybe you don’t but now you will –  to practice self-compassion, I have put daily writing as one of them. I’m trying really hard not to be orthodox about this. Like if I wrote on 750 words this morning, then I’m done with my writing. Or, why didn’t I write on the 750 words site and then wrote somewhere else, like my blog, for example? So, you see where this is heading, right?

I am too rigid. Too much of a rule follower. Too hard on myself.

So, instead of making more goals that I may or may not stick to, I am declaring my intentions. (Hat tip to Angela Stockman.)

I intend to be more kind to myself.

I intent to be more forgiving of myself.

I intend to practice gratitude every day by acknowledging it, writing it down or simply declaring my gratitude to a significant person in my life.


I intend to not put myself down, but instead to raise myself up thereby doing the same for everyone around me.

I intend to walk into my classroom and my house with a clean heart, an open mind and a loving heart.

Happy Tuesday Slice of Life everybody. And, thank you to the Two Writing Teachers for hosting this challenge every Tuesday all year!


6 thoughts on “Intentions

  1. Intentions are a wonderful way to start your day or week, Elisa. Angela is right. Now practice your intentions with that special loving heart you have. We’re out there waiting to hear from you. I have a creative writing invitation for you:

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I could have written this post, Elisa. You are not alone. We all go through seasons in our writing and reading lives. Yours will bloom again. I promise! (Ps—be sure to post this in the FB Daily Check In. tonight. I think others in the group can appreciate your struggles.)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Alice Nine says:

    I know all about goals… and intentions…. and check lists… 🙂 I often remind myself that I only have to accomplish whatever it is on this particular day. And if I don’t….. well, tomorrow I get a new, clean shot at doing it on a new day. It keeps me from being too hard on myself.


  4. Terje says:

    Wonderful intentions. I heard of self-compassion for the first time last year and it helped me a lot. I hope your intentions help you to achieve balance and calm and joy.


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