Some Days – #SOL21 March Challenge Day #2

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

Some days, like today, I feel exhausted.

Some days, like today, I think that I just can’t do this all over again tomorrow.

And the next day.

And the day after that.

Some days, like today, all I want to do is watch Netflix for hours at a time.

Some days, like today, I am grateful because I get another chance to get it right…tomorrow.

Some days, like tomorrow, may just show me that I made the right decision all those years ago.

Some days, like tomorrow, may reaffirm my commitment to teaching.

Some days, like tomorrow, I may just get one more thing right than the day before.

And, because of that one thing that I may get right tomorrow, I’ll keep coming back.

Cross posted to the Two Writing Teachers March Slice of Life Story Challenge.

18 thoughts on “Some Days – #SOL21 March Challenge Day #2

  1. Oh my goodness! That was amazing! There are days (like today!) that I can’t fathom going back tomorrow. When I read, “Some days, like today, I am grateful because I get another chance to get it right…tomorrow.” I had to stop and repeat it so many times, it is just that great! This really resonated with me! Keep up the amazing writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mrssurridge says:

    “And, because of that one thing that I may get right tomorrow, I’ll keep coming back.” What a powerful way to end your slice! And a powerful encouragement to anyone who might read it. I copied it and put it on my computer desktop. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “Some days…” the repetition in here catches so much about my feelings during this pandemic when one day too often seems to run into the next. Your addition of the “like tomorrow” lines reminds me that nothing lasts forever & tomorrow holds all sorts of possibilities – thanks for reminding me!

    Liked by 1 person

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