Writing Without A Plan

Photo by Lum3n on Pexels.com

Staring at a blank page (or screen) can be brutal.

I know this to be true in my head.

But I recently experienced this in my body

for the first time in a long time.

I was unproductive and unmoored.

I was restless and distracted.

I didn’t have a plan (read: a list of writing projects) for moving forward.

I was surrounded by a cluttered desk

and a cluttered mind

that refused to settle on one idea long enough to start writing.

So, instead I rustled papers

I opened and closed tabs

I checked email (I did respond to a few!)

I tried (unsuccessfully I might add) to figure out how to transfer a note from my Notes app into a Google Doc folder

and, then, the writing time was up.

So, let me unpack this.

I always start a writing session with a list of writing projects that I want to focus on.

Next, I choose what I’m going to start with first.

Then, if I have more time, I move on to something else.

This time, I had no plan.

I thought I could just open up a blank page in my Google Drive and go from there.

After all, I’ve been writing every day.

I should have a bank of ideas from which to choose.

I am Super Teacher Writer!

Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels.com


And, ouch!

What I’m describing sounds like a simple fix, I know.

But simple fixes aren’t always easy to see in the moment.

But they are learning opportunities.

My students will benefit from the fact that I am a teacher-writer

because I will continue to share my struggles with writing

and the strategies I have identified

as powerful ways to keep me writing




Cross posted to The Two Writing Teachers Tuesday Slice of Life Story Challenge.

5 thoughts on “Writing Without A Plan

  1. payanar100 says:

    I can really feel this one! I also might be slightly distracted now trying to figure out how I would take a note from the Notes app to Google Drive.


  2. Jennifer Larance says:

    This stuck feeling is familiar to any writer, I think! I find it interesting you work from a plan and list. I wish I had so many ideas that I needed to keep a running list like that! You mention you replied to emails. Maybe that was the writing you needed to do, after all?


  3. Leigh Anne Eck says:

    This right here is why it is so important for teachers to write too. We need to know what our students feel, and how better to do that than to write ourselves. I know I am preaching to the choir, but I can’t help myself! 🙂

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